OOP Roadie Hall of Fame
Because OOP shows are so elaborate, we have gratefully accepted help from volunteer roadies, stagehands, and extras. Some have helped only once; others, many times. Each has had unique skills or materials to contribute, all have met the absurdly heavy workloads with fortitude and good humor. We thank them for their time and talents.
In order of appearance, special thanks to:
Matt Petree
Paul K. Blackwell III
Doug Dunn
Lu Ella Parks
Sarah Stewart
Michael Davis
Michael Polmateer
Tina Young
Amber Thompson
Rob Call
Kristin Carlson
Erin Knowles (of Soda Ash)
Melissa Plunkett
Paul Hammann
Bella Ingham (of Lucinati)
Marsha Holtzgrewe (of Lucinati)
Lajos A Balazs
Joe Crane
© Odor of Pears 2002, Rev: 02/10/04